Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ornaments from the boys...

One of the last projects on the list was for the boys to make ornaments for family. Keeping it simple, we busted out the popsicle sticks, paint, glue and embellishments.
Tyler painting his reindeer.

Cody painting his trees.

Ta-Da! Pretty quick, if you factor in the drying time for the paint and glue.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Marble Maze games

The homemade marble maze game. The idea for these was found in the Family Fun magazine, here's the link to it on their website, totally worth the time and effort. Started off with scrap wood from FIL's stash, a new box of nails, a ball of rubber bands, tempera paints and marbles. Depending on what you have available this is a relatively cheap project, just takes a bit of time for the painting.

The scrap wood was not smoothest and I worried about splinters.
Solution = felt and a glue gun.

Pouches for the marbles from my fabric and ribbon stash. The cord stops cost around $2.50 for a pair.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Super Hero Capes...

Yay, the last of the sewing for gifts finished with these! Super hero capes for the boys.

Here's the pattern: http://pukingpastilles.com/?p=57

Finished the boys' pillows over the weekend, but still need to stuff them. Then I just need to finish putting together their maze games and I'm done! (Well, still have some pretzels to dip)

Monday, December 7, 2009

The other two...

Here are the other two bottle holders, finished this morning...

List is getting shorter!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Over the shoulder, bottle holder...

One down, two to go....

These are for my brother/sister-in-laws here in CA. Made to fit the large Nalgene bottles, but with the drawstring, will accomidate most others as well. Nice for walks, or shopping, or just out and about, not wanting to hold your water bottle in your hand. The pattern came for the book "Sew & Stow" by Betty Oppenheimer.

Friday, December 4, 2009

More coffee cozies...

Finished the rest of the coffee cozies last night, glad to have the hand work finished!

To be finished list:
3 water bottle shoulder bags
2 big floor pillows
2 super hero capes
2 marble games
Bits of baking and details for goody baskets
Finish labeling Christmas cards, they buy the stamps to mail them.
Find a big jar of sanity!